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Welcome to the journey of the flow of productivity. I’m excited to share the knowledge I have gained over my 22 years of coaching others to tap into their optimal state of performance. We have collectively called this “flow.” The reason for the name is because when you are in this state, everything feels like it flows effortlessly. The objective of this program is to tune you into the flow state and allow you to capitalize on all the productivity tools you have collected over the years but could never find the consistency to apply.


To those of you who are new to the hunt of finding effectiveness and efficacy in your skill, sport, or profession, you will not only learn to tune into flow, but you will also learn ‘cut to the chase’ productivity tools that all greats achievers of the world use on a daily basis.


I’m sure you will agree that we are living in a time packed full of possibilities and opportunities for you to achieve more of your dreams than ever before. Today, we have a vast database of knowledge that is 


now simply at our fingertips: how to train like an athlete, how to lose weight, how to get rich, how do I invest in…”


No more do we need to walk into a library and search topics to help solve pressing questions. In fact, the only pressing we need to do is on the keyboard of your cell phone or computer. Even when we just sit on the couch at the end of the day to relax, you can feed yourself with the fruits of wisdom from some of the greatest men and women in history. 


This is a powerful time to be alive.


In fact, it is so powerful that many people feel frozen with so many possibilities and opportunities. Your ability to decide among them may be the critical determinant of what you accomplish in life. The constant bombardment of social media consistently is pulling you in different directions.  This only pulls you from one direction to the other like a pinball machine. And with the icing on the cake, old worn out habits, behaviours, and beliefs that have been imprinted on our psychic by not only our close-knit upbringing, but also by the media of our time, which  deepens the confusion. 


As you can imagine, most people feel overwhelmed with too much to do and too little time to do it. 


For these reasons, more than ever your ability to choose, what is your goal, why are you doing it, when to do it, and what is the most time 


effective and productive state of being to accomplish it, is by far the most important skills you can acquire in our modern times. 


“An average person who develops the habit of setting clear priorities and getting important tasks completed quickly will run circles around a genius who talks a lot and makes wonderful plans but who gets very little done.” –Brian Tracy.


At the core of this program, you’re going to learn how to tune into your optimal state of productivity, health, and performance. This state is known and felt by all the world’s most influential men and women throughout time. So much so, that the world renown management consulting firm McKinsey & Co and their partnering company McKinsey Global Institute of research, carried out a ten year study on their top executives. They found that when an environment for flow was created, their executives achieved significant improvement in productivity.


According to Steven Kotler the author of the rise of the supermen, 500% boost in productivity…that means you can work Monday and then take Tuesday to Friday off work AND still be more productive than  you are right now.


The state is called the flow state. 


You see, the average person running a business or looking to improve their effectiveness in their skill, sport, or profession blindly falls into the flow state. They quickly squeeze the life out of the state, just like finding a canteen full of water in a desert unaware of their next quench of thirst. 


What you will learn is the art of priming your system to trigger you into flow. You will find out your purpose that fuels your drive. In fact, ‘fueling your drive’ is an especially important aspect for your journey to success. You see, amateurs do too much and push too hard, unaware that their engine is out of fuel, causing detrimental effects to their body and mind. This is why most people fail. They push too hard and try to do too much. Not only does their body and mind suffer, but so does the time with your friends and family. 


This is not a program to compete with all those other productivity programs. On the contrary, I encourage you to read more on the subject and collect tools that will help you perform more efficiently. You see, the flow of productivity is designed to help make all those tools work on a consistent basis. I’m going to explain why some productivity tools seem to not work for you and then guide on how to make them work for life. 


The techniques you will learn are going to separate you from the herd while empowering you to work with your systems’ natural ebb and flow. In doing this, you will feel healthy, energised, and efficient while 


accomplishing more than you could imagine. Yes, I know, right now this sounds crazy, but when you tune into your systems’ natural ebb and flow and learn to capitalize on the high levels of energy while creating creative space to recharge your energy levels, then you have opened your door to the opportunity of flow. Inside that door of opportunity sits a potential 500% boost in productivity, according to the study from McKinsey & Company. Another potential when flow is accessed is a 430% improvement in creative problem-solving skills according to a research by the University of Sydney. Additionally, an opportunity of a 490% increase in learning speed found in the AMB & DARPA funded study. And above all, you will find your true potential. Not from your current perspective of your potential. No, you will unlock a person that has been chained to limitation for years and will surpass everything you thought possible. Welcome to your adventure in the flow of productivity.